Capsule Toy Machine


Capsule Toy Machine

Product overview

Unreal project including a Gashapon Style Capsule Toy Machine in two versions, with sound, moving parts and capsules which spawn different toys randomly.


-2 Capsule Toy Machine Blueprints (Modern and Classic Design)

-1 Capsule Blueprint

-1 Toy Blueprint with 6 different toy Meshes

-1 Game Mode

-1 Game Instance

-7 Widgets

-1 Prize Display BP with render targets to make the Prize preview appear inside a Widget.

-29 Materials and 4 Material Instances 

-2 Test Levels (1st person and Static Machine)

-3 sound effects (Coin, Gears, and Capsule falling)


Capsule Machines with animated handle and interior tray and capsules which move on the inside containing random toys.

When the user presses Play the coin sounds, the handle rotates making its characteristic sound and one Capsule is removed from the machine and falls, ready to be picked. When the player picks up the Capsule a widget appears showing the Prize got.

Includes Inventory Widget to control the collection of Prizes.


-Make your games last longer adding Capsule Toy Machines and achivements about collecting the items found inside the capsules.

-Retain players during more time rewarding them with Tokens to play the Capsule Machine to get special Gear and Bonuses. Not just figures and collectible items, unlockables as clothes or powerups can be hidden inside the Capsules.

-The Capsule Toy Machine comes as a Ready to Play project. You can just add more items and easily make a game about collecting the Toys. Great for mobile games where the player has to come back later or watch a Video in order to keep playing. You could even make players exchange repeated items online (that feature is not included in the project).

-As a decoration. Give a nice touch to your environments for games or animations adding the machines even if they aren’t working.

Starting the project

Open The “Epic Games Launcher”, go to the “Unreal Engine” section, and then click on “Library”.

Scrolling down your library you will find your “Vault” at the bottom. There is where your purchased content will be available.

Click here for more details about how to find your purchased content for Unreal Engine

Migrating Content to another Project

Make sure both projects are made with the same version when migrating content between them.

Click on “Asset Actions” and then on “Migrate” and follow the instructions.

Click here to learn more about migrating content from one project to another.

-Make sure to copy the needed Blueprint content and variables also inside your character BP if you don’t want to use the one included.

-And don’t forget to Edit the Input and add the Action Mappings and Axis Mappings so the keys and buttons respond correctly.

- The "Fixed Mode" variable should be True if you want to play the machine without a moving character at the level. For example to access the machine from a Menu. Leave it False to play the machine as a 1st or 3rd person character.

The Capsule Toy Machine Project

Default Controls:

Basic Controls




W/S, UpArrow/DownArrow

Left Thumbstick Y axis



Left Thumbstick X axis


Left/Right Arrows, Mouse X axis

Right Thumbstick X axis, Mouse

Look Up/Down

Mouse Y axis

Right Thumbstick Y axis, Mouse

Camera Zoom In/Out

Mouse Wheel

Play Capsule Machine


A (Face Button Bottom)



Y (Face Button Top)



B (Face Button Right)

Key mappings can be edited by Clicking on “Edit” from the “File Menu”, then on “Project Settings”, and, at the new window which will open, finding “Input” on the list of settings at the left.

Materials and material instances:

The Capsule Machine uses material instances to make it easier to choose colors.

The material instances have editable parameters with names such as “ChooseColor” to select a paint color.

Machines Blueprint

The Blueprint is ordered in named sections to easily find the one you want to adjust.

The Blueprint is relatively simple as part of the Code goes also inside the Capsule BP and the Player BP.


Capsule Machines:

-IsPlayerClose: Wether the Player is close enough to play.

-Ball: True when the Capsule is ready to be picked.

-MachineWorking: True while the Machine is working to get a capsule.

-LastPrize: Number of the last Prize given.

-BallWaiting: A reference to the Capsule waiting to be picked.

-ShowPrizeWidget: The widget which shows which prize we just got.

-SaverSubClass: Manages the save game file.

-Fixed Mode: Mark true if you want to play the machine without a moving character at the level. For example to access the machine from a Menu.

-Capsule Price: Configure the price of your Capsule Toys.

BP_FirstPersonCharacter or any Player Character you are going to use

Your playable character needs some Blueprint code and variables in order to use the Capsule Machines. You can find an example inside the Included Character Blueprint included (BP_FirstPersonCharacter).


-Money: Temporary amount of money or tokens to play. (Comes from the SaveGame File).

-ClosestMachine: Helps the game calculate which Machine the player is using.

-ClosestArrayItem: Helps the game calculate which Machine the player is using.

-SelectedMachine: Helps the game calculate which Machine the player is using.

-SaverSubClass: Manages the save game file.

-Invetory Widget: Identifies the Inventory Widget.

-Out Actors: Array of Capsule Machines to calculate which Machine the player is using.

-Waiting: Tells if a machine is already working.


-ToyList: Static Mesh array. Put there all the meshes of the Toys or Prizes you want to be available for the Capsules. The Item Number works as a reference to identify the Prizes at other Blueprints.

-CurrentMachine: Helps the game calculate which Machine the player is using.

-ToyIconList: Slate Brush array. Put there all the icons (image files) of the Items you want to be available as a prize in the same order used for the “Toy List” variable.

-ToyIconList: Text array. Put there all the names of the Items you want to be available as a prize in the same order used for the “Toy List” variable.

-CurrentToy: Last prize got.


-Collection: An array of Integers shows how many units of each prize the Player has got. It ,ust have the same number of Items as the ToyList variable from “BP_CapsuleToyGameInstance”.

-MoneySave: This Variable saves the total of Money or Tokens the player has left.


-ToyNumberC: Which prize is inside the Capsule.

Thank you for downloading, I hope you like the product and that it gives you good results.

I would be glad to know what projects you develop involving the Capsule Toy Machine.



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